Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ESPN's Page 2

I truly enjoy reading articles by ESPN analysts and writers. However, the section in both ESPN the magazine and on ESPN.com that really draws my interest is "Page 2." Page 2 provides a humorous take on the sports world. Mostly satire, the authors of the columns and articles provide a new way to view sports, on the lighter side of things. In particular, DJ Gallo is by far my favorite columnist. During football season, Gallo provides readers with his weekly "tailgate" articles for NCAA football and "NFL Hangover" articles. Both include facts and figures true to the week in football, while providing humorous context throughout. It keeps me interested in each article and has me returning to the website week in and week out. Gallo also has his own website, on which he writes similar articles covering a vast variety of sports. To see some of his work, check out these links:




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