Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mike Preston and Jamison Hensley of the Baltimore Sun (Sports)

           If there is one website that I check as regularly as Facebook or Twitter, it is the Baltimore Sun’s sports section. As a self proclaimed Baltimore Ravens fanatic, I can find all the recent headlines in one place from my two favorite authors, Mike Preston and Jamison Hensley.
            I really like the way that Mike Preston is not afraid to take a critical view of the team despite the fact that he is writing for a Baltimore newspaper. Some of the articles that he writes are met with highly critical comments from rowdy fans, but he doesn’t stop writing them. He isn’t afraid to nitpick the offensive line’s sloppy play even if the Ravens did come away with a win that weekend. He has experience, charisma and a writing style that is entirely unique to his personality. He’s gutsy and I like that about him!
            Jamison Hensley on the other hand, likes to give more straightforward reporting of Ravens news. I appreciate his ability to separate his fan voice from his critical, sports analyst voice. I refer to his writing frequently in order to gain insight on things that I want to post on my own Ravens blog. He writes with great clarity and I find that I learn something additional about the game of football with every article of his that I read. Whether he is debunking the rumors surrounding the potential NFL Lockout  or answering questions about the free-agent market, he manages to provide information in a simple and concise manner. 

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