Thursday, March 31, 2011
Interview Ease
Interview Progress
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Interview Intervention
It turns out that Godfrey Daniels, the little local music venue down on 4th Street next to the Funhouse, is actually a non-profit organization. They've been around since 1976, and there seems to be a very rich history there.
My first interviewee, a member of Godfrey's board of directors, was extremely helpful in many ways. He's been involved with Godfrey's since the 1980s, and he was able to give me quite a bit of background. He also pointed me toward two sources--one of which has the potential of being a jackpot. John Gorka (a pretty famous folk musician) started his career at Godfrey's while he was a student at Moravian, at one point actually living in the basement of Godfrey's. I've already contacted him through his Facebook page, and he's gotten back to me. We're in the process of scheduling an interview.
This all said, I'm definitely looking into getting a tape recorder for my upcoming interviews. I know it takes more time in transcribing it, but I know it will be worth it in the long run.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Final Project
In addition to changing the type of piece I'm writing, I also drastically changed my topic. I will now be writing about Bethlehem's Best Eats, and looking into the top ten best restaurants on the north and south sides of Bethlehem. Personally, I love food. I love going out to restaurants and I love fine dining. I'm excited that I'll be writing something I have a passion for.
Now that I have a new and better direction for my piece, I have two main challenges:
- How do I make this evergreen piece relevant to March 2011? How do I make it unique and stand out and how can I write a piece on the best restaurants without being repetitive? I'm sure someone's covered this topic before, so I need a new, fresh angle.
- How do I find "expert" sources in this matter? This isn't like an "academic" topic, where I can find professors who are experts in the topic. It's more about opinion. I suppose I could ask a "food expert" but because it's so specific to this area, I'm unsure if looking for one on will be helpful.
Interview oddity
It's just interesting to see how interview subjects are now trying to enforce transparency in the journalism industry. That subject has the same interview transcript that I do.
But nonetheless, it was an incredibly insightful interview. Learned a lot about the site and its plans for the future.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Interview on a time crunch
Final Paper Progress
I feel that during my interview with my main source I can get a lot of really useful information about new sources. I plan to interview his parents, a friend of his who also went through the program, and his adopting family in Scarsdale. I will get all of those contact numbers when I see him on Thursday, and I think then I will really be able to move forward with sources.
My problem is connecting with the people in charge of the STEP program, which I am hoping will not be too hard to do once I get one person to respond. I want to bring a professional aspect to my paper, and show that my writing is reliable.
I need to brainstorm more about where to pitch this article, but so far I think Scarsdale papers and Lehigh local newspapers. I am also looking into education magazines.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
On Tap profile progress
After completely abandoning my original story idea, my final article is finally coming together. I first was going to write about graduating seniors choosing to go to grad school because they were unable to find jobs. My student sources fell through, and I realized as a whole the article lacked direction and focus. Most importantly, it was boring, and my best stories are always those I am passionate about. Over spring break my friends and I went on a cruise from New York City to the Bahamas. While a week on board was enough for us, we wondered what it was like for the employees who spent months living on the ship. This is when I remembered On Tap. A acapella quartet that recently was hired to perform on Celebrity cruise lines. They set sail at the beginning of last summer and returned in January. I had heard them perform several time at Lehigh before they left, and they truly are an exceptionally talented group. I want to tell their story.
There is usually a collective gasp from the audience when On Tap starts singing. I remember during my sophomore year, we paid five dollars for them to sing to my roommate in our apartment’s living room on the morning of Valentine’s Day. They sang Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours,” and my roommate started crying. They tend to have this effect on women. This has only made me more intimidated for my interview with them tomorrow afternoon.
The most important part of the interview will be getting at much detail as possible about their time on the ship. I want to tell a story that shares all aspects of their experience on board. The most difficult part of the interview will be getting a sense of them both as a group and as individuals. I will be interviewing all of the together, which will provide an additional challenge. I’m excited to hear their story, and think they will be good interviews/profile.
Final Project
I feel like it will strengthen my article to have many different sources including someone who can provide their professional opinion. I will continue to look for sources and email as well as looking for
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Final Project Development
I have already interviewed a few teens from my community at home. In their interviews they told me what I had suspected, that they spend lots of time on various technologies and they couldn't imagine what their lives would be like without these technologies. Though I got great quotes and useful information from these initial interviews, I hope to go back and interview these kids again after I have talked to child education and psychology experts. I also think I need another group of sources besides kids and developmental experts, I was thinking that I could interview the children's parents about their thoughts on their kids' technology use.
Scheduling has also been a difficulty for me. The experts at Lehigh are very busy, but I hope to meet with a couple of them in the coming weeks and get their thoughts on the connections between technology and learning, specifically how teen use of TV, computer, and internet technologies are affecting their thoughts and interactions.
The piece has started off well, I have a solid idea, a few sources, and plans to meet with experts, but I know I have a lot more work ahead of me. I'm sure the experts I talk to will bring great insights to the topic and enhance the piece, I am interested to see how the shape of my piece changes after I talk to them.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Final Paper Progress
It seems that when the assignment was first given, I was very steadfast on getting interviews lined up and following through with them immediately. While I have completed three or four interviews already, I am finding it difficult in coordinating time-wise to get other interviews in. I have two people that I am needing to interview, but we can't find a time that works because they are busy with their lives and work and I am busy with my life and work. That would be my main difficulty is scheduling.
Other than that I am making good progress in getting anecdotes and quotes from my sources. I have talked to student-athletes who have gone on these trips and also people who are in charge of running the trips. I guess the only source type that I would be missing is a more professional source that guides student-athletes on what to do over the summer or a more reputable person who could give me statistics and such. That's all for now!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Final story- Tattoos and addiction
I have only interviewed one of the two of them, but I have another interview Friday. This weekend I am also going to interview someone I work with at home who used to be a tattoo artist in his old town (he's 20-something too). I would like to ask him if he has notice the trend too, and if he would see the same people coming back for his artwork or to get tattoos done.
I also plan to talk to a tattoo artist. I was going to go to the place where I got my tattoo, but I found out they are closed down when I tried to go there right before break.
As far as other sources I plan to talk to, I want to get in contact with a psycologist or health official to talk about the down sides of getting tattoos. I put a request on for that. I also had a thought that I might be able to talk to an older adult who waited longer to get tattoos (like in their 30s) to get their opinion about tattooing today.
So far I am behind in the interviewing, but after this week and next, I should be almost caught up. I am still looking for possible sources, so if anyone knows someone who might be good to talk to, let me know.
Progress on Profile of Po
Every girl's go-to magazines
Fast Company
Favorite Journalist/Author: Both
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Anonymity: a gift and a curse
My biggest roadblock? My sources want to take a cue from that website and remain anonymous themselves. Yikes.
The new CEO of College ACB wishes to remain anonymous (I even had to interview "him" on GChat through GMail). My student sources also wish to remain nameless due to the sensitive nature of the topic. While the nature of the CEO's wish can be overcome (Higher Ed and even UPenn's student newspaper both had to interview under the same circumstances - it's a universal thing now), I'm having a great deal of trouble finding students who are willing to discuss the website under their own name - not being referred to as "undergraduate student A" or "undergraduate student B."
Does anyone have any suggestions or know anyone who would be willing to speak on the record about College ACB? Been asking around with social media, but so far, no luck!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Final Article Progress
I hit the road block right away. Out of the six offices and individuals I e-mailed and then called, I only heard back from one. We scheduled an interview (finally thinking I was getting somewhere!), and I was stood up. I e-mailed him asking to reschedule, and I haven't heard anything yet.
At this point, I'm thinking it's time to go back to the drawing board. I'm worried that if I start from scratch I'll fall behind, but I also don't want to risk the same thing by clinging to my original idea.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Current Status of Feature Article
Thursday, March 3, 2011

As much as I tried to look at the other magazines sitting on the rack with the People Style Watch, the others looked dull. I could not relate to the headlines on other magazines, and didn't have any interest in reading about anything Charlie Sheen related. And let's face it, who doesn't want spring to get here a little faster?!
On the cover alone, topics of great bargains for under $100 or under $10 caught my eye. Even though most of the story headlines on the cover of the magazine are evergreen stories, there is something really refreshing to read about the newest fashion trends that we will see in the spring.
So while this magazine isn't something I have never purchased before, it trumped all of the magazines that focused on diets, Justin Bieber and country gardening.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Look at me
I saw two really good reasons to pick up the 2011 swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. Just kidding, I’m being crass, but seriously it is a hard magazine to miss this time of the year. While all other magazines are running the same old “Get flat abs,” Secrets to a slim stomach” and “Tighten that tummy,” Sports Illustrated is blowing them away in sales by staying simple. The cover features that year’s selected model, suggestively posed in a teeny tiny bikini. The cover is bright, colorful, the rest of the text is small and black besides the magazines name which is well hidden behind the models face and flowing hair. So much so that you almost forget it reads “Sports Illustrated.” Sports? Really? Because this looks more like an issue of Cosmopolitan or Shape than an issue of one of the manliest magazines on the market.
It really is a genius concept, and as much as my inner feminist cringes at the air brushed photos of nearly nude women, the journalist in me gets excited. In today’s dying print industry, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition is one of the best, if not the best selling, issue of any magazine. Each year about a million copies are sold. Since its debut in 1964 the swimsuit editions alone have grossed over $1 billion dollars, according to CNBC.
It’s not just the magazine that does well this time of the year but also the models, the swimsuits, accessories and photographers involved. Being features in the swimsuit edition is a fast way to boost anyone’s career. Not only because sex sells but because of the quality of the photographs taken in exotic locations. So sure, while its easy to turn up my nose at the overtly objectifying concept, I gotta say, it works.