Sunday, March 20, 2011

On Tap profile progress

After completely abandoning my original story idea, my final article is finally coming together. I first was going to write about graduating seniors choosing to go to grad school because they were unable to find jobs. My student sources fell through, and I realized as a whole the article lacked direction and focus. Most importantly, it was boring, and my best stories are always those I am passionate about. Over spring break my friends and I went on a cruise from New York City to the Bahamas. While a week on board was enough for us, we wondered what it was like for the employees who spent months living on the ship. This is when I remembered On Tap. A acapella quartet that recently was hired to perform on Celebrity cruise lines. They set sail at the beginning of last summer and returned in January. I had heard them perform several time at Lehigh before they left, and they truly are an exceptionally talented group. I want to tell their story.

There is usually a collective gasp from the audience when On Tap starts singing. I remember during my sophomore year, we paid five dollars for them to sing to my roommate in our apartment’s living room on the morning of Valentine’s Day. They sang Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours,” and my roommate started crying. They tend to have this effect on women. This has only made me more intimidated for my interview with them tomorrow afternoon.

The most important part of the interview will be getting at much detail as possible about their time on the ship. I want to tell a story that shares all aspects of their experience on board. The most difficult part of the interview will be getting a sense of them both as a group and as individuals. I will be interviewing all of the together, which will provide an additional challenge. I’m excited to hear their story, and think they will be good interviews/profile.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    Couple of suggestions: Look to interview them individually as well. Maybe hangout with them as they rehearse. Maybe hangout when they are at dinner. In a sense, use what time you might have with them in the space where they naturally do their thing. Sounds like a fun piece.--Charlie
