Thursday, March 17, 2011

Final story- Tattoos and addiction

For my final story, I am writing a trend piece on tattoos and addiction. My idea is that many college-aged or twenty-somethings are getting tattoos, but not just one or two. I know several people that fall into that age group who got their first tattoo when they turned 18 (I can't lie, I did, but I only have one..), and a few years later haven't stopped decorating thier bodies with the permanent ink. One friend of mine has two almost-sleeves (not completed..yet) as well as several tattoos on his calves and chest. He is only 22. Another girl I know has about 10 tattoos in various places on her body, the biggest being a flower that covers from her shoulder down to her elbow. She is 23. I have a few other people in mind that I would like to interview as well.

I have only interviewed one of the two of them, but I have another interview Friday. This weekend I am also going to interview someone I work with at home who used to be a tattoo artist in his old town (he's 20-something too). I would like to ask him if he has notice the trend too, and if he would see the same people coming back for his artwork or to get tattoos done.

I also plan to talk to a tattoo artist. I was going to go to the place where I got my tattoo, but I found out they are closed down when I tried to go there right before break.

As far as other sources I plan to talk to, I want to get in contact with a psycologist or health official to talk about the down sides of getting tattoos. I put a request on for that. I also had a thought that I might be able to talk to an older adult who waited longer to get tattoos (like in their 30s) to get their opinion about tattooing today.

So far I am behind in the interviewing, but after this week and next, I should be almost caught up. I am still looking for possible sources, so if anyone knows someone who might be good to talk to, let me know.


  1. Melissa,

    Sounds like you have a good angle and a couple of good sources in place. One suggestion: Take careful notice of the tattoos your sources have. You'll want to create a vivid picture for the reader of what the tattoos look like. Such color will give the story added dimension. Also, if you need sources, besides Helpareporter, go a google search for "tattoo addiction" and see what you find. One of the pieces may have sources you can consider contacting.--Charlie

  2. This might sound weird (and excuse the language) but there is a Tumblr called "Fuck Yeah Tattoos" where all they do is feature people and their tattoos, so you might be able to find some sources there. The url is
