Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Because I switched my topic from engaging in your college town to a profile piece on Godfrey Daniels, I'm way behind on interviewing. To date, I only have one interview completed, but I'll have two more done by the end of the week.

It turns out that Godfrey Daniels, the little local music venue down on 4th Street next to the Funhouse, is actually a non-profit organization. They've been around since 1976, and there seems to be a very rich history there.

My first interviewee, a member of Godfrey's board of directors, was extremely helpful in many ways. He's been involved with Godfrey's since the 1980s, and he was able to give me quite a bit of background. He also pointed me toward two sources--one of which has the potential of being a jackpot. John Gorka (a pretty famous folk musician) started his career at Godfrey's while he was a student at Moravian, at one point actually living in the basement of Godfrey's. I've already contacted him through his Facebook page, and he's gotten back to me. We're in the process of scheduling an interview.

This all said, I'm definitely looking into getting a tape recorder for my upcoming interviews. I know it takes more time in transcribing it, but I know it will be worth it in the long run.

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