Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure

As a college student, I often find myself with my nose buried in thick, boring textbooks with size 8 fonts and no pictures. When reading a magazine, all I want to do is relax and get lost in a world of designer clothes I can't afford, vacation spots I can only dream of and celebrity love-lives I wish I was a part of. For me, magazines are less about reading and more about entertainment.

Cosmopolitan is one of the best-selling magazines for teenagers and young adults. It covers topics like celebrities, love, life, sex, health, beauty, man and fashion. These topics are easy to find, and listed in the front of the magazine to give readers an idea of what's to come.

The most useful page in the magazine for me, however, is the "Cosmo at a Glance" page, which focuses on the most important topics being discussed and briefly expands on them with small illustrations, photographs and captions. It's a great way to get a taste of the meal before you eat it.

Another one of my favorite pages in the magazine is the "Hot Sheet" page, which discusses recent trends in the entertainment and media industry. In the issue I was examining, Cosmo explored dress fabrics, spooky sequels and cyber styling. This page gives readers like me a quick insight into emerging trends which might be explored throughout the issue.

An article which I really enjoyed reading in this issue of Cosmopolitan was the interview with celebrity Lauren Conrad. With technology like photoshop, and the prevalence of libel and rumors, celebrities often have their images shaped in unpleasant and unwanted ways. It's refreshing to cut through all the rumors and hear the story from a celebrity's point-of-view, which is why I enjoyed Lauren's interview piece.

People may say that magazines like Cosmopolitan are junk, and that they don't explore real-life, important issues beyond celebrities and fashion. This may be true, but no one ever bought Cosmo to learn about current events or politics. People like me buy this magazine to escape, to relax, to feel pleasure in reading about light topics in a world of heavy and serious ones. To me, Cosmopolitan is a guilty pleasure.

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