Thursday, February 10, 2011

Real Simple Solutions

Real Simple is a magazine that I've picked up many times before, whether I've been sitting at the doctor's office or perusing magazines at the newsstand. The magazine consists of short pieces that are mainly service and how-to pieces. However, something I've never noticed is the common theme weaving among all of the pieces - there's a solution.

Real Simple. While the magazine is simple in its layout and design, it is also simple in its content. All of the pieces serve to answer some question or problem that many women around the world are asking. Writers suggest how to transform ordinary day things such as packing peanuts into garland or doll up your house with a variety of different colors depending on the mood you want to create. They address homey things and also culinary questions. For example, how might one create a yummy snack out of ordinary nuts? Real Simple has the solution!

Another thing that amazed me was the fact that the magazine can take something as ordinary as toothpaste and write a piece on it. The pieces in general tend to feature lots of products by using comparisons between them and distinguishing what makes one better than another.

While the magazine is nice and aims at making your life simpler, it lacks any long pieces or out-of-the-ordinary pieces. Everything is predictable, which is good but lacks excitement.

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