Friday, February 25, 2011

Simple Really Is Better

I always hesitate to visit the magazine section of the bookstore because I almost always end up spending $20 on magazines that I don't really need. Unfortunately, reason goes out the window the second I see those glossy covers and I usually gravitate to the magazines before I even satiate my thirst for a warm cup of coffee.

This week when I walked into the bookstore, the magainze that caught my eye was surprisingly one with the simplest of covers. I don't know whether I was drawn to it because it happens to be my favorite magazine or whether it stood out to me in a sea of magazine covers dominated by photographs.

This was the magazine that really caught my eye! Something about the simple white background contrasted with the bright blue dress (and one of my favorite actresses, woo Modern Family) drew me to it. Of course I had to buy it and devour it!

I was surprised that the tabloids or other magazines weren't the first thing my eyes were drawn too! The placement on the shelf of this magazine was actually right at eye level so that might have had something to do with it to! Either way, it was simple and the color scheme on the cover really worked for me! SHAPE did it right this month because I walked out with that magazine!

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