Sunday, February 6, 2011

Time: Surprisingly Enjoyable

I often find myself picking up Time magazine and simply flipping through and glancing at the headlines, and putting it down again. However, every now and then, including this issue of Time, I find myself truly interested in several of the articles.

The cover is simple, reading "Special Report: Tragedy in Tucson," the title "Time," and then "Guns. Speech. Madness. Where we go from Arizona." It features a picture of the Arizona gunman with his a maze drawn where his brain is and a question mark in the center. This cover was very compelling because it is something that I think the entire nation is interested in learning more about, and it shown in an attention grabbing way.

The article about the tragedy in Tucson is rather long, but since it is on a topic that is incredibly important, and it is written in a way that is easy to read yet very informative, I found myself able to make it through the entire thing, a rare occurrence with Time articles!

Time doesn't just include information that directly relates to the tragedy in Tucson, but also indirectly related articles. For example, an article is written about dealing with grief and myths about grief in the wake of tragedy, an article "Are We Becoming an Uncivil Society?"

One complaint I would make about the magazine is the layout of the front of the book articles. Although the content was very informative, it is laid out in a way that is confusing and makes it difficult to know in what order to read the stories, or to tell the difference between stories, ads and random bits of information.

For a magazine that is mostly serious in content, I thought they used graphics very well. The pictures and graphs helped to break up the larger stories. Overall, I enjoyed reading this issue of Time magazine!

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